Home » Follow These Nine Things To Impart Social Skills In Your Children

Follow These Nine Things To Impart Social Skills In Your Children

by janeausten
early childhood education singapore, bilingual education

Social skills help you make become more presentable. You have a better emphasis on others with better social skills. Apart from imparting academic knowledge, it is also essential to impart social skills. This ensures the development of this skill in an ideal manner. Here are ten ways to improve their social skills:

1. Follow Interests

We often fail to understand the importance of social skills and building a good life around others. Passionately following our interests help us engage with people with the same interest.

For instance, if your child is interested in learning artwork, putting them in a drawing class will help them interact with people with similar interests.

2. Ask Questions

Children are curious and might need help to interact with others. They find it difficult to begin and have long conversations. By encouraging children to ask questions, they feel more comfortable engaging with others. Plus, asking questions is a great way of breaking the ice and initiating conversation. Early childhood education Singapore can help your child develop their academic skills and gain many social skills to pave the way for a bright future.

3. Play Dates 

Playing with other children makes a safe and comfortable situation for your child. This activity can be done to ensure that the children are prepared for social interactions.

It is highly possible that, at times, children cannot open up and express their feelings. This is where play dates come in. For instance, if a child struggles in a particular aspect of socialisation with their teacher or peers, they can feel more comfortable interacting with a child of their own age.

4. Become a Role Model

Children often practice what they see at home. This is why seeing their parents or elders sharing encourages them to do the same. It shows them the importance of social equations and makes them more interested in doing the said activities.

For instance, taking your children to do some charity work can help them learn social skills faster. Sharing helps a child to empathise with others better and helps them understand others’ situations.

5. Understanding Limits

Not every child can do everything at the same speed. While some children can solve maths problems on the first go, some may take a couple of tries, and some may need help.

Parents must understand that each child is unique and must not push them beyond their limits. Rather, being supportive can go a long way. This will also enable them to be patient in their interactions with others. 

6. Make Them Understand Personal Space

Children who lack an understanding of the concept of personal space often struggle with boundaries in their life. It is essential to make children understand the value of personal space. 

It can start as small as keeping separate rooms and shutting the room at night. This helps the child understand that parents are not accessible at all times. Understanding personal space will help the child to respect boundaries and build healthy relations.

7. Teach Them To Listen

To become good at communication, it is essential to become a good listener first. Children who can listen well and patiently are in a better position to hear people out and understand them better. 

Imparting bilingual education can also help in developing listening habits. An additional benefit is that bilingual children are also more intellectually capable. Children can start by listening to podcasts and recorded stories to practise listening skills. 

8. Teach Them Manners

Teaching your child some courtesy and manners can never go wrong. For instance, greeting elders when they meet, saying please and thank you. These are small gestures that can teach them to become more accountable for their actions. This can be lifelong learning for the children. 

For children with bilingual education, being friends with children belonging to other ethnic groups becomes easier. Learning basic manners will help them settle well with children from different ethnic groups. 

9. Encourage Your Child To Have A Social Life

Parents must encourage their children to have a social life outside of school. This helps children to understand the importance of life and friends. Encouraging children to go outside for play can be a good start. 

Parents can also organise play dates, potlucks, and small gatherings for their children where they can learn to interact with one another and share.


Children often learn and showcase what they learn from their elders. As a result, children tend to learn several habits when at home or in school. This makes it highly essential for parents to pick the right school for their children. At the same time, it is equally important for parents to live up to their children’s standards and help them improve their social skills.

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